Artificial Intelligence for Long-term Respiratory Disease Management

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

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This paper presents the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for Artificial Intelligence (AI) as applied to long-term respiratory disease management. This analysis will help to identify, understand, and evaluate key aspects of the technology as well as the various internal/external forces which influence its success in this application space. Such understanding is instrumental to ensure judicial planning and implementation with suitable safeguards being considered. AI has the potential to radically change how respiratory disease management is conducted and may help clinicians to realise new treatment paradigms. The application of AI is clearly not specific to respiratory disease management; however it is a chronic disease that requires on-going monitoring and well evidenced decision making regarding treatment pathways or medication modification. This work emphasises the current position of AI as applied to respiratory disease management and identifies the issues to help develop strategic directions to ensure successful implementation, evidenced by ubiquitous acceptance and uptake.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages5
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 6 Jul 2018
EventBritish HCI Conference 2018 - Belfast, Belfast, Northern Ireland
Duration: 2 Jul 20186 Jul 2018


ConferenceBritish HCI Conference 2018
Abbreviated titleBHCI2018
Country/TerritoryNorthern Ireland


  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Disease management
  • Machine learning
  • Respiratory
  • SWOT


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