Art Activity 1:Guest Artist during PAS Performance Art Workshop (No. 49), Bratislava, as part of ‘Neighbourhood & Territory’ Project – Nomadic Arts Festival.Art Activity 2:‘Market Stall’ Performance, Trhovisko Zilinska Market, Bratislava, as part of Nomadic Arts Festival 2016, - ‘Neighbourhood & Territory’ project, curated by Mads Floor Andersen.

Research output: Non-textual formPerformance

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Brian Connolly – Participation in Nomadic Arts Festival, Bratislava, Slovakia, September 2016.
I was invited to participate in the Nomadic Arts Festival in Bratislava, by Mads Floor Andersen the Festival Curator. The theme of the project was based around the term: ‘Neighbourhood & Territory’. A range of artists, performers, musicians and other arts practitioners were invited to respond to a specific local area and it’s community within the city of Bratislava. Artists worked throughout the community over a period of three days and there was a wide range of events and activities. 
There were a range of organisations involved in running and hosting this festival. These included several galleries, community organisations, housing associations, restaurants, a homeless day centre, local market place, a community garden, a theatre, art centre bar, etc. etc. I had two specific activities within the Festival Program. Initially I was invited to work with the PAS – (Performance Art School) Workshop as a visiting Guest Teacher for one day. I initiated a series of ‘site’ investigations, which resulted in a group performance and a series of individual performances by the workshop participants. 
My second activity took the form of a ‘Market Stall’ Performance, in the Trhovisko Zilinska, a local market place, during the busy Saturday morning. The performance was designed as an interactive work, which relied on public interaction and transactions in order to function and succeed. To help with this, I had a series of texts translated into Slovakian, prior to arriving in Bratislava. These texts accompanied a series of objects, or potential transactions and experiences. The texts bridged the language barrier and enabled me to develop interactions with members of the local public. I had employed humor within the structure of the work to break down barriers and create opportunities for discourse and enable direct experiences with the public. Strange, humorous or surreal objects were for sale, while experiences were free.
Event (other): PAS Performance Art Workshop (No. 49), Bratislava, as part of ‘Neighbourhood & Territory’ Project – Nomadic Arts FestivalI was invited to work with the PAS – (Performance Art School) Workshop as a visiting Guest Teacher for one day. I initiated a series of ‘site’ investigations, which resulted in a group performance and a series of individual performances by the workshop participants. These works occurred in the Trhovisko Zilinska Market place.Trhovisko Zilinska Market Place, Bratislava, Slovakia.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 24 Sept 2016
EventMarket Stall Performance - Trhovisko Zilinska Market, Bratislava.
Duration: 23 Sept 201623 Sept 2016

Bibliographical note

Artist travel funded by the Big Lottery/ACNI.
Performance type: art


  • Brian Connolly
  • Brian Connolly Performance Art
  • Market Stall Performance
  • Nomadic Arts Festival
  • PAS
  • Performance Art Workshop
  • Interactive Performance Art Work
  • Site Specific Performance Artwork.


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