Art Action 1958-1998

Robert Connolly, Slavka Sverakova, Richard Martel

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


A Book which Surveys four decades of Action Art from 1958-98. It compiles data from a range of countries across the worlds written up by Artists, Historians, and Critics in each country. The book is an authorative document or Seminal Publication on Performance Art and Action Art. The section on Irish Artist was written by Dr. Slavka Sverakova and runs from pages 412 - 427 and covers the following artists: Amanda Dunsmore, John Carson, Moira Mc Iver & Trevor Crummie, Danny Mc Carthy, Brian Connolly,Alastair Mac Lennan, Peter Richards, Dan Shipsides, and Michael Donaghy. Images of various artworks exist within the publication. The book is printed in Black and Whiteand was edited by Richard Martel, Quebec.Published by Inter, Quebec.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationAction Art 1958 - 1998
PublisherLes Éditions Intervention
ISBN (Print)ISBN 2-920500-19-8
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 2001


  • Action Art
  • Performance Art History
  • Performance Art after 1958
  • Performance Artists country by country
  • International Action Artists
  • Irish Action Art
  • Irish Performance Art after 1958.


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