An overview of the nature of the preparation of practice educators in five healthcare disciplines

Brian McGowan, Maggie Malik, Lisa Neimer

Research output: Book/ReportScholarly editionpeer-review

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The ENB & DoH (ENB/DoH, 2001) acknowledged that students’ practice experience is one of the most important facets of their educational preparation in nursing. Similarly, the Irish nursing regulatory body An Bord Altranais (2000) stated that clinical practice experience provided learning opportunities that enabled students to achieve competence in clinical nursing skills. The first stage of this FDLT funded project involved a scoping exercise which was undertaken nationally to obtain information on the scope and quality of practice learning provided for pre-registration student nurses from Universities throughout England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. A total of 72 university schools/departments provide nursing courses in the UK and there are 14 in the Republic of Ireland (ROI).The overall aims of the project were to: a. Audit university based preparation of practitioners for their educational role in supporting students during practice placements.b. Identify principles of good practice that emerge from the audit.c. Identify practitioners’ needs in the provision, support and supervision of practice-based learning.d. Recommend principles of good practice that meet the identified needs.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished online - 1 Sept 2005

Bibliographical note

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  • Practice learning
  • scoping
  • healthcare
  • interprofessional


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