An investigation into the engagement of disabled people in European football.

Paul James Kitchin, Stephen Bloomer

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned reportpeer-review

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1. The engagement of disabled people through sport in general is a difficult but worthy challenge. 2. UEFA have been developing multiple areas of social responsibility, including disability provision throughout playing, spectating or working opportunities. 3. This report provides a review of what has been achieved.4. This project aimed to explore how the European football industry engages disabled people (via participation on- and off-the-field). A particular focus was placed upon the management approaches being employed across the region. 5. A mixed-methods, cross-sectional survey design guided this study, using questionnaires and interviews with National Associations and Licensed Clubs across Europe.6. Results identified a range of areas where organisations felt their performance did not match the importance of their provision. 7. Room for improvement was identified, however respondents noted the general increase in resources to support these engagement activities.8. Regional differences within the results suggest that pockets of excellence exist within the industry, which contrast with areas where improvements can be made.9. Interviews with organisations operating best practices suggest that local context is a major factor in the quality of provision. Other factors include financial resources, human resources and competencies (developed through training) as well it being paramount that organisations possess an inclusive philosophy.10. Resources and managerial competencies are important but organisations should be wary of relying too heavily on individuals, promoting more of a team approach to provision.11. European football is replete with best practice in its engagement opportunities for disabled people.12. Opportunities exist for enhanced provision and further research.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherUnknown Publisher
Number of pages53
Publication statusIn preparation - 31 Mar 2017


  • disability
  • football
  • accessibility
  • survey methods
  • Europe
  • best practice


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