An investigation into E-business service in the UK telecommunication manufacturingindustry

ying yang, biao yang, Paul Humphreys, Ronan McIvor, Trevor Cadden

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Nowadays, suppliers’ product and service quality has risen in importance with a manufacturer’s push to develop core competencies and capitalise on global operations and markets. However, due to the complex features of business service, suppliers are facing significant challenges in providing service effectively and developing business collaboration. This is further complicated by the development of information and communication technologies (ICTs). This paper thus attempts to investigate the factors influencing buyers’e-service (EBS) requirements and the impact of these requirements on business collaboration. Based on a questionnaire survey with 500 UK telecommunication manufacturers, this research identifies buyers’ different EBS requirements for different types of suppliers and the impact of ICTs on EBS requirements.While for suppliers our findings provide insights into buyers’ EBS requirements, they can help buyers to develop appropriate supplier selection criteria. The findings also contribute to a better understanding of the development of buyer and supplier business collaboration.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)256-266
JournalProduction Planning & Control
Issue number3
Early online date17 Jan 2017
Publication statusPublished online - 17 Jan 2017


  • Business service
  • information and communication technologies (ICTs)
  • manufacturer and supplier collaboration
  • UK telecommunication manufacturing


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