An evaluation of the skills and competencies required by therapeutic radiographers (TRs) from a patient’s perspective : a qualitative study.

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Purpose: Variation in training and education of therapy radiographers (TRs)
across Europe leads to variations in clinical practice. The aim of this study was
to gain an insight into patients' perceptions of the required skills and
competencies of TRs to inform the development of undergraduate curricula
across Europe.
Methods or Background: Ethical permission was obtained from Ulster
University, Belfast, UK. Online and face to face interviews were conducted with
radiotherapy patients across UK, Portugal, and Malta. Patients >18years
currently receiving, or had received radiotherapy within the last 24 months,
Abstract-based Programme
were included in the study. Thematic analysis was performed with the aid of
Results or Findings: In total, 38 interviews (18 in the UK; 11 in Malta; 19 in
Portugal) have been conducted to date. Patients felt that TRs had the required
competencies to listen, understand and communicate compassionately with
them during their treatment. The importance of psychosocial support and
building a relationship with the TRs varied considerably. Patients who
developed stronger relationships with their TRs felt safer compared to those
patients with less established personal connections to their TRs. Patients
expressed a desire for further information from their TRs at the end of their
radiotherapy treatment and through the post-treatment phase of their care.
Conclusion: Patients need more holistic support at the end of treatment and in
post-treatment care. Role extension/specialist roles are needed to support
Limitations: As not all European countries were involved in this study, the
findings may not represent the breadth of patient experiences throughout
Ethics committee approval: This study was approved by an ethics
committee: Integrated Research Applications System reference number:
277006. REC reference: 20/YH/038, Institute of Nursing and Health Research
Ethics Committee UU Ref No: FCNUR-20-035.
Funding for this study: This study forms part of the ERASMUS+ fun
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages2
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 13 Jul 2022
EventEuropean Congress of Radiology 2022 - Vienna; online, Vienna, Austria
Duration: 2 Mar 202217 Jul 2022


ConferenceEuropean Congress of Radiology 2022
Abbreviated titleECR 2022

Bibliographical note

This study forms part of the ERASMUS+ funded
SAFEEUROPE project. There were no conflicts of interest.


  • TR
  • RTT
  • skills and competencies
  • patients voice


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