An economic argument for stronger freedom of information laws in Ireland

Nat O'Connor

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    This paper specifically develops the economic rationale for expanding and strengthening Ireland's freedom of information (FOI) laws. The first aim of the paper is to demonstrate that the fees regime does not lead to any cost recovery and is in fact likely to add to total administrative costs. The second of this paper is to comprehensively defeat the argument - which is aired from time to time - that Ireland's freedom of information law is 'expensive' or a luxury that could be dispensed with. The paper will illustrate how FOI has in all probability saved significant sums of money for the public. The third aim of the paper is to show that FOI is essential if Irish enterprises are to exploit the business potential of reusing public data, a market which has an estimated value of €83-€399 million per annum.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherThe Ambulance Staff Charity
    Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - Jul 2010


    • Freedom of Information
    • Public Finances
    • Reuse of Public Sector Information


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