title = "“An Chaoimhniadh Chomhachtaigh agus S{\'e}amus an Chaca”: (Worthy Knight/Worthless Shite), James II and his war in Irish Vernacular Literature and Folk Memory",
keywords = "Vernacular Literature, Floklore, Folk Memory, Orality",
author = "{{\'O} Ciardha}, {\'E}amonn",
year = "2017",
language = "English",
isbn = "978-1-138-20504-8",
pages = "217--240",
editor = "Eva Guillorel and David Hopkin and Pooley, {William G.}",
booktitle = "Rhythms of Revolt: European Traditions and Memories of Social Conflict and Oral Culture",
publisher = "Routledge",
address = "United Kingdom",