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Строителното инженерство и конструктивното проектиране съгласно Европейските норми са в съответствие с принципите, залегнали в европейските директиви 2004/17 (EURLex, 2004a) и 2004/18, (EUR-Lex, 2004b). Те утвърждават принципите на Световната търговска организация, Общото споразумение за доставки (1994) приложение 4 (членове VII до XVI) в европейското право. Тази статия изследва финансовото въздействие при приемането на разпоредби за възлагане на обществени поръчки за строителство и строителни проекти в рамките на сегашната рецесия. В нея се разглеждат членове от две европейски страни и се сравнява възприемането на текущата политика в областта на обществените поръчки, отнасящи се за строителство и строителни организации. Данните се базират на 72 отговора от on line web въпросник, получени от членовете на Федерацията на работодателите в Строителството (CEF) в Северна Ирландия и на Федерацията за Строителна индустрия(CIF) в Република Ирландия. Европейският съюз трябва да разгледа внимателно своитеполитики, свързани с обществените поръчки, тъй като по-голямата част от анкетираните,смятат, че настоящите стратегии ще доведат организациите до финансови затруднения. Присегашните условия на рецесия, а и при конкуренция, предприемачите са принудени дапоемат риск без да имат печалба. Изследването показва, че малките и средни предприятиясъщо са „дискриминирани” в тръжната процедура за европейски проекти. Въпреки това,някои детайли в тръжните пакети са подобрени, като се наблюдава намаление в олебанията при процедурите. Докладът заключава, че европейското законодателство за общественитепоръчки е добро за държавните поръчки, тъй като осигурява заплащане (VFM).Civil Engineering and construction projects above the European Threshold are procured according to the principles set out in European Directives 2004/17 (Eurlex, 2004a) and 2004/18 (Eurlex, 2004b). These enshrine the principles of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) General procurement Agreement (1994) Annex 4 Articles VII through to XVI (WTO, 1994) into EuropeanLaw. This paper investigates the financial impact of the adoption of procurement regulations oncivil engineering and construction projects within the current recession. It identified members fromtwo European states and compares the perception of the impact of current procurement policy oncivil engineering and construction organisations. It sourced members of the Construction EmployersFederation (CEF) in Northern Ireland and the Construction Industry Federation (CIF) in theRepublic of Ireland and gained 72 responses to an on-line web-based questionnaire. The EuropeanUnion needs to carefully consider its procurement policies as the majority of respondents concludedcurrent strategies would result in organisations facing financial difficulties. In the current recessioncontractors are being forced to assimilate risk without financial reward owing to competition. Theresearch determines SME’s are also being discriminated against in tendering for European projects. However, on the positive side, the detail in tender packages has improved due to the downturn and variations have decreased. The paper concludes that the European Procurement legislation is good for government procurement as it provides value for money (VFM).
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationUnknown Host Publication
EditorsA Кръстева
Place of PublicationVarna, Bulgaria
PublisherНаучно-технически съюз по строителство в България
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 13 Sept 2012
EventInternational Conference on Civil Engineering Design and Construction (Science and Practice) - Varna, Bulgaria
Duration: 13 Sept 2012 → …


ConferenceInternational Conference on Civil Engineering Design and Construction (Science and Practice)
Period13/09/12 → …

Bibliographical note

Reference text: 1. Bartlett, J, E; Kotrlik, J,W; Higgins, C,C (2001) “Organisational Research: Determining Appropriate Sample Size in Survey Research” in Information Technology, Learning, and Performance Journal, Vol. 19, № 1
2. CEF(2012), CEF - The Voice of the Northern Ireland Construction Industry, available on-line at
3. Erlendsson, (2002), ‘Value for Money studies in Higher Education’. Retrieved June, 2012, from
4. Eurlex (2004a), ‘European Union Directive 2004/17 coordinating the procurement procedures of entities operating in the water, energy, transport and postal services sectors’. Retrieved June, 2012, from
5. Eurlex (2004b), ‘European Union Directive 2004/18 on the coordination of procedures for the award of public works contracts, public supply contracts and public service contracts’. Retrieved June, 2012, from uri=CELEX:32004L0018:En:HTML
6. Eurlex (2007), ‘Directive 2007/66/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council’.
Retrieved June, 2012, from
7. KPMG (2010), ‘Delivering Value for Money through Infrastructural Change’. Retrieved June, 2012, from VFM_Infrastuctural_Change_Report.pdf
8. Krejcie, R. V., & Morgan, D. W. (1970), ‘Determining sample size for research activities, in Educational and Psychological Measurement’, Vol. 30, Pgs. 607-610.
9. Office of the Attorney General, (2006), ‘European Communities (Award of Public Authorities Contracts) Regulations 2006 (SI № 329 of 2006)’. Retrieved June, 2012, from
10. Office of the Attorney General, (2007), ‘European Communities (Award of Contracts by Utilities Undertakings) Regulations 2007 (SI № 50 of 2007)’. Retrieved June, 2012, from
11. TSO, (2009), ‘Public Contracts (Amendment) Regulations 2009’. Retrieved June, 2012, from
12. TSO, (2006a), ‘Public Contracts Regulations 2006’. HMSO London. Retrieved June, 2012, from
13. TSO, (2006b), ‘The Utilities Contract Regulations 2006’. HMSO London. Retrieved June, 2012, from
14. World Trade Organisation (WTO), (1994), ‘The Uruguay Round Final Act Annex 4 in
Legal texts: the WTO agreements’. Retrieved June, 2012, from


  • Public sector procurement practices
  • European legislation
  • Construction Contracts
  • Construction
  • Procurement Law
  • Restricted Procedure.


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