After Agreement: The challenges of implementing peace

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    Reaching agreement to end war and violent combat can plant the seeds fromwhich peaceful relations can emerge. Implementation of a peace agreementinitially focuses on stopping the same set of characters returning to war on thesame set of issues; hence the question of how to sustain the agreement andimplement what has been agreed becomes paramount. This consideration isimmeasurable in terms of the potential for saving lives and preventing conflictamid future generations. In February 2012 the Northern Ireland CommunityRelations Council commissioned “Implementing Peace Agreements” and thisarticle is a reflection on a series of findings to emerge from that desk basedreview of literature on peace agreements.1 It reviews the considerable attemptsat building peace internationally in Georgia-Russia, Aceh-Indonesia and in theBalkans and aims to draw some lessons from other post-conflict societies. Herewe can consider what Northern Ireland can learn and what more it can shareacross these contexts.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)15-28
    JournalShared Space
    Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 2012


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