Acrobat (2008): NMI Contemporary Collection of Design & Craft (DC:2009.5)

Research output: Non-textual formArtefact


Acrobat’, ceramic sculpture with an unglazed surface. Form is of varying planes and directions. Produced during the artist’s residency at the Banff Centre, Canada.

Materials: Ceramic

Year purchased: 2009

Location: What’s in Store?

Acrobat included in National Museum of Ireland Collection of Contemporary Design and Craft Internet publication.
This publication was launched Sept. 29th 2016.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationCollins Barracks, Dublin, Ireland
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 2009
EventContemporary Collection of Craft and Design Database - Online, National Museum of Ireland. / Dublin, Ireland.
Duration: 29 Sept 2016 → …

Bibliographical note

Outputmediatype: Online Launch of contemporary Collection


  • Ceramics. National Museum of Ireland. Acrobat.


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