A Unified Web-Based Visualisation and Mesh Processing Application for Medical 3D Printing: Lightening Talks Session B

Luke Donnelly, Justin Magee, Niall Haslam, S Wilson

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterpeer-review

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3D printing of models generated from medical scan data is a relatively new application within hospitals. However, there has yet to be established any standardised pipeline for creating, processing and validating of image segmentations and generated 3D meshes in this setting. While the functions necessary to do so can be assembled from various collections of open and closed source software, this requires users to repeatedly export and import their work between these applications and become familiar with the basic usage and idiosyncrasies of each. Our application aims to bring together the required features from each of these different application classes into a single web based tool that can handle every step of the process of moving from medical scan images to a completed and validated 3D mesh, which is ready for printing.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 15 Mar 2019
EventVisualising Biological Data: The 10th international meeting on Visualizing Biological Data - European Molecular Biology Laboratory , Heidelberg, Germany
Duration: 13 Mar 201915 Mar 2019


ConferenceVisualising Biological Data
Abbreviated titleVIZBI
Internet address


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  • axial3d Insight

    Harpur, A. (Developer), Haslam, N. (Developer), McGrath, S. (Developer), Fu Wu, S. (Developer), Morales Cantana, E. (Developer), Cooke, T. (Developer), Donnelly, L. (Developer), Magee, J. (Designer) & Wilson, S. (Other), 18 Jun 2018

    Research output: Non-textual formSoftware

    Open Access

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