A Qualitative Exploration of the Shift Work Experience: The Perceived Barriers and Facilitators to a Healthier Lifestyle and the Role of the Workplace Environment

Fiona M. Nea, L. Kirsty Pourshahidi, John Kearney, M. Barbara E. Livingstone, Carolina Bassul, Clare A. Corish

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Objectives: The study aimed to understand lifestyle practices among shift workers, including an exploration of workers' perceptions of their workplace environment (WPE).Methods: Fifteen focus groups (FGs) were conducted by two researchers, with a total of 109 participants. A pilot FG was carried out with both researchers present, to ensure consistency in facilitation. To ensure quality control, both researchers analyzed all data collected.Results: Two overarching themes were observed: barriers to leading a healthier lifestyle, and facilitators to leading a healthier lifestyle. The influence of WPE was central to both themes.Conclusion: Investing in employee health is beneficial, particularly among shift workers, who are at an increased health risk. Adopting organizational policies and environmental changes as a core strategy for workplace health promotion may create an environment that makes healthier choices more accessible to all employees
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1153-1160
Number of pages7
JournalJournal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Issue number12
Early online date20 Oct 2017
Publication statusPublished online - 20 Oct 2017


  • Shift work
  • health
  • lifestyle
  • diet
  • workplace
  • qualitative


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