A Passive implantable atrial defibrillation system using transcutaneous RF power delivery.

JA Santos, G Manoharan, NE Evans, JMCC Anderson, BJ Kidawi, JD Allen, AAJ Adgey

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


Atrial fibrillation (AF) is one of the most common sustained cardiac arrhythmias found. Its treatment requires the use of a synchronised electrical shock or drug therapy. This paper describes a new form of electrical defibrillator that empioys a two-part, transdermal RF transformer to couple an on-off keyed 7.2 :MHz pulse to an implanted, passive receiver; this, in turn, . delivers a unipolar DC shock to the heart. Factors influencing the transformer's design are discussed and results from axial and lateral primary / secondary coil -displacement trials presented. In animal studies, cardioversion was 100 % successful with pulses of 100 V amplitude and 10 rns width. The implant is battery-free, which makes it an attractive and inexpensive alternative for the treatment ofAF.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationUnknown Host Publication
Number of pages2
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - Sept 2000
EventIEEE-EMBS Asia Pacific Conference - Hangzhou, Peoples Republic of China
Duration: 1 Sept 2000 → …


ConferenceIEEE-EMBS Asia Pacific Conference
Period1/09/00 → …

Bibliographical note

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  • Atrial Fibrillation
  • Pulsed Mode RF Power Delivery
  • Battery-Free Cardiac Implants


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