A Longitudinal Study of the Effects of Variable Pricing on Relationship Trust

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


Recent developments in database management have allowed organisations to finely tune their price/product offer to individual customers. However, this may lead to the perception by customers of unfavourable treatment where the price that they have paid is perceived as less favourable than the best price being offered by the company. Trust is at the heart of most theories of relationship marketing. The effect of variable pricing on the level of consumer trust remains under-researched and is the subject of this paper. Theoretical reasons underlying the apparent conflict between variable pricing and relationship trust are discussed. The preliminary results of an experimental longitudinal study of the effects of variable pricing on trust are reported.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationproceedings of the 31 European Marketing Association Conference
Place of PublicationBraga, Portugal
PublisherUniversity of Minho
ISBN (Print)972 8755 00 7
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - May 2002

Bibliographical note

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