This document brings together the current thinking and practice on human rightsbasedapproaches in the education sector. It presents key issues and challengesin rights-based approaches and provides a framework for policy and programmedevelopment from the level of the school up to the national and international levels.Rights-based approaches have only recently become a focus within the educationsector. This document was thus developed as a resource for government offi cials,civil society organizations, United Nations and bilateral agencies, and otherdevelopment partners strategically involved in the development of educationpolicies and programmes. It is intended to guide the dialogue of the UnitedNations Development Group and Education for All (EFA) partnerships and facilitatea breakthrough from the rhetoric of the ‘right to education’ to concrete andaccelerated interventions at policy and programme levels for attaining the EFA goalsand the Millennium Development Goals related to education.
Original language | English |
Publisher | UNICEF |
Number of pages | 146 |
ISBN (Print) | 978-92-806-4188-2 |
Publication status | Published (in print/issue) - 2007 |
Bibliographical note
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- Education For All
- Human Rights