The Leonard E. Gibbs Award

  • McGinn, Tony (Recipient), Best, Paul (Recipient), Wilson, Jason (Recipient), Chereni, Admire (Recipient), Kamndaya, Mphatso (Recipient) & Shlonsky, Aron (Recipient)



Awarded for the following article - McGinn, T., Best, P., Wilson, J., Chereni, A., Kamndaya, M., & Shlonsky, A. (2020). Family group decisionī€making for children at risk of abuse or neglect: A systematic review. Campbell Systematic Reviews.

The Leonard E. Gibbs Award is given to the authors of a completed Campbell systematic review that contributes to evidence-informed practice in social welfare. Each year, the Leonard E. Gibbs Fund honors the winning review team with one fully paid registration to the Campbell annual conference, where they will be recognized for their groundbreaking work.
Degree of recognitionInternational
Granting OrganisationsCampbell Collaboration - Social Welfare Coordinating Group
