2018 Distinguished Education Excellence Award For Collaborative Excellence

Prize: Honorary award


Internal Awards for Teaching and Learning - Introduced in Academic Year 2017-18 and replacing the previous Distinguished Learning and Teaching Support Fellowship Awards. The purpose of the Distinguished Education Excellence Awards is to recognise, reward and celebrate colleagues who demonstrate teaching and learner support excellence and to create a proactive learning community within Ulster where excellent practice can influence wider enhancement.
The Award Recipients will have demonstrated excellence directly related to one or more of the Educational Excellence themes and priorities within five& fifty.
The Collaborative Excellence Award is awarded to teams who have a track record of supporting learning in HE and can demonstrate a team-based initiative that has led to positive impact on L&T. All team leads, and normally all team members, should have achieved AFHEA, or another category of HEA fellowship, at the time of making their application.
Degree of recognitionLocal
Granting Organisations

Awarded at event

Event titleLearning for Success: Collaborative Leadership conference
LocationUlster University - Jordanstown Campus, Belfast, United KingdomShow on map
Period26 Jun 2018 → 26 Jun 2018
