Personal profile
PhD Researcher Profile
Tile of thesis: Biomass accumulation and biodiversity on artificial structures in coastal waters and their contribution to carbon cycling
As a second-year PhD researcher at Ulster University. My focus lies on marine macroalgae and sessile species within biofouling communities. Specifically, my area of focus is determining the role these communities play in carbon cycling and observing the species assemblages present on navigation buoys off Ireland's coasts. I have been envovled in research cruises including the TC24001 cruise in galway bay on baord the RV Tom Crean, awell as my own data colection trips on the ILV Granuaile. From a young age, I have always had an affinity for the sea and enjoy open water swimming and paddle boarding in my free time.
Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):
Education/Academic qualification
Bachelor, BSc Environmental science DIAS (Diploma in International Academic Studies)
16 Sept 2019 → 4 Jul 2023
Award Date: 4 Jul 2023
- GE Environmental Sciences
- Carbon Sequestration
- Biofouling
- Biomass
- Marine
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