8 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Brian Murphy with the persons below:
Susan Morgan
- School of Applied Social and Policy Sc. - Lecturer
- Faculty of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences - Lecturer
Person: Academic
Andy Hamilton
- School of Applied Social and Policy Sc. - Research Associate
- Faculty of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences - Research Associate
Person: Academic
Ken Harland
- School of Applied Social and Policy Sc. - Research Fellow
- Faculty of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences - Research Fellow
Person: Academic
Erik Cownie
- School of Applied Social and Policy Sc. - Lecturer in Community Development
- Faculty of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences - Lecturer
Person: Academic
Melanie Giles
- School of Psychology - Professor Of Psychology
- Faculty Of Life & Health Sciences - Full Professor
Person: Academic
Hugh Campbell
- School of Applied Social and Policy Sc. - Senior Lecturer
- Faculty of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences - Senior Lecturer
Person: Academic
Gail Neill
- School of Applied Social and Policy Sc. - Lecturer
- Faculty of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences - Lecturer
Person: Academic