Student theses
- 46 results
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Accountability and citizen’s organisation in a peasant and poverty context: A critique of the empowerment approach
Barungi, A. (Author), Ketola, M. (Supervisor), MacGiollabhui, S. (Supervisor) & Murray, C. (Supervisor), Jun 2022Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Addressing photography as a feminist socially engaged arts practice in the movement for abortion rights in the North or Northern Ireland.
Campbell, E. (Author), Chan, S. (Supervisor) & Driver, C. (Supervisor), Feb 2024Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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An analysis of the characteristics of epistemic culture in community youth work professionals in Northern Ireland
Scott-McKinley, A. (Author), Lasslett, K. (Supervisor) & Marnoch, G. (Supervisor), May 2023Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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An investigation into the purpose, processes and theory underpinning youth work practice
Hammond, M. (Author), Mullineux, J. (Supervisor), Mc Cully, A. (Supervisor), Clarke, L. (Supervisor) & Morgan, A. (Supervisor), Jun 2018Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Avoiding trouble: threat and accountability in public order policing in Northern Ireland
Aucoin Delloue, C. (Author), Byrne, J. (Supervisor) & MacGiollabhui, S. (Supervisor), Oct 2023Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Border Protestants and Republican Violence
Funston, K. (Author), Braniff, M. (Supervisor) & Mc Grattan, C. (Supervisor), Oct 2020Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Building Gender-Just Citizenship in Northern Ireland: Women’s Political Participation and Transversal Politics in a Deeply Divided Society
Eitrem Holmgren, L. (Author), Brown, K. (Supervisor) & Rooney, E. (Supervisor), Nov 2020Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Calcio popolare: solidarity grassroots football and the lives and senses of belonging of people seeking asylum in Italy
Genovesi, F. (Author), Acton, C. (Supervisor), Braniff, M. (Supervisor), Ketola, M. (Supervisor), Braniff, M. (Supervisor) & Acton, C. (Supervisor), May 2021Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Civilian Masculinities and Conflict: An Examination of Northern Ireland and the Occupied Palestinian Territories
Campbell, S. (Author), Hamber, B. (Supervisor), Jul 2020Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Collaborative working in suicide prevention: an exploration of the relationships between the community, voluntary and statutory sectors on the process of developing suicide prevention policy in Ireland
Friel, B. (Author), Waterhouse-Bradley, B. (Supervisor) & Mc Dermott, P. (Supervisor), Oct 2018Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Conflict-Related Sexual Violence Against Men and Transitional Justice in Northern Uganda
Schulz, P. (Author), Mallinder, L. (Supervisor), Hamber, B. (Supervisor) & Ni Aolain, F. (Supervisor), Dec 2017Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Contesting marriage inequality on the hill and beyond: a discourse-historical inquiry of the valleys of struggle within equal marriage mobilization in Northern Ireland
Tsang, K.-K. (Author), Bloomer, F. (Supervisor) & Michael, L. (Supervisor), May 2022Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Disability Unemployment in the UK: The Lived Experience of Disabling Barriers to Inclusion
Olsen, J. (Author), Horgan, G. (Supervisor), Ketola, M. (Supervisor) & Gray, A.-M. (Supervisor), Sept 2020Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Exploration of attitudes towards interventions to reduce opioid drug-related deaths on the island of Ireland and recommendations for social and policy change: a mixed methods inquiry
Miller, N. (Author), McBride, O. (Supervisor), Waterhouse-Bradley, B. (Supervisor), Campbell, C. (Supervisor) & Shorter, G. (Supervisor), Oct 2022Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Gender, Decision-Making and the Northern Ireland Senior Civil Service: A Feminist Institutional Analysis of Elite Bureaucracy in Transition
Rouse, M. (Author), O'Connor, K. (Supervisor), Gormley-Heenan, C. (Supervisor) & O'Rourke, C. (Supervisor), Jul 2020Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Investigating the criminogenic nature of security governance in covert conflict: US intervention in Laos, 1962-1975.
Nugent-Stephens, G. (Author), Monaghan, R. (Supervisor), Byrne, J. (Supervisor) & Lasslett, K. (Supervisor), Apr 2020Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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OK to be LGBT?: an exploratory study into the human development and well-being of the LGBT community in Northern Ireland
Mackle, D. (Author), Bloomer, F. K. (Supervisor) & Hodgett, S. L. (Supervisor), May 2019Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Older People and Loneliness: The Impact of Day Centre Reablement Programmes
Hagan, R. J. (Author), Manktelow, R. (Supervisor) & Mallett, J. (Supervisor), May 2015Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Overcoming adverse childhood experiences in Irish schools: a pilot trial of whole-school trauma-informed approaches
MacLochlainn, J. (Author), Kirby, K. (Supervisor), Mallett, J. (Supervisor) & Mc Fadden, P. (Supervisor), Jul 2022Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Paradox and Unionist identity
Perry, A. (Author), Braniff, M. (Supervisor), Gormley-Heenan, C. (Supervisor) & Aughey, A. (Supervisor), May 2018Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Perpetration narratives in transitional justice mechanisms after the Arab Spring: The cases of Libya, Tunisia, and Egypt
Ahmed Mostafa Kamal Ahmed, N. (Author), Collins, C. (Supervisor) & Hamber, B. (Supervisor), Jul 2023Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Reconciliation and Peacebuilding: The Integration of Theory, Policy and Practice in Northern Ireland
Kelly, G. (Author), Hamilton, J. (Supervisor) & Gormley-Heenan, C. (Supervisor), Feb 2020Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Re-Imagining Spaces for Representation in the Divided City: The Cases of Urban Street Art in ‘Post’- Conflict Beirut and Belfast
El Masri, O. (Author), Monaghan, R. (Supervisor) & Brown, K. (Supervisor), Jan 2020Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Re-imagining the efficacy of documentary theatre for conflict transformation: utopian performatives for developing the moral imagination
McCallum, H. (Author), Devlin Trew, J. (Supervisor), Fitzpatrick, L. (Supervisor) & Braniff, M. (Supervisor), Oct 2023Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Remembering better in a divided society: the use of public space during the decade of centenaries
Mullan, P. (Author), Crooke, E. (Supervisor) & Braniff, M. (Supervisor), Jun 2021Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Resisting state-corporate crime through non-violent direct action: a study of crime-control from below
Stanczak, D. (Author), Lasslett, K. (Supervisor), Monaghan, R. (Supervisor) & Horgan, G. (Supervisor), Mar 2019Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Right-wing parties in power and immigration : causes and mechanisms of policy change in the UK, Switzerland and France between 2002 and 2015
McKeever, A. (Author), Gormley-Heenan, C. (Supervisor), Ketola, M. (Supervisor) & Burke, C. (Supervisor), Mar 2018Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Sacred space: an exploration into the distinctiveness of faith-based youth work from a Christian perspective in Northern Ireland
McFeeters, M. (Author), Hammond, M. (Supervisor), Killick, C. (Supervisor) & Hamilton, J. (Supervisor), Jul 2023Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Spatiotemporal crime prediction in Northern Ireland
Murray, S. (Author), Scotney, B. (Supervisor), Marnoch, G. (Supervisor), Mc Alister, R. (Supervisor) & Coleman, S. (Supervisor), Jan 2022Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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State policies of reparations for victims of the political conflict in Northern Ireland
Abernethy, H. (Author), Collins, C. (Supervisor) & Brown, K. (Supervisor), Apr 2022Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Substance misuse and help-seeking amongst Polish migrants in Northern Ireland
Roddy, S. (Author), Taylor, B. (Supervisor) & Mc Fadden, P. (Supervisor), Nov 2018Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Teaching across the divide: The experiences, identity and agency of teachers who teach across the traditional sectors in Northern Ireland
Milliken, M. (Author), Bates, J. (Supervisor), Smith, A. (Supervisor) & Mc Cully, A. (Supervisor), Nov 2018Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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The Challenges of Replicating Drug Consumption Room Policy in Australia and Canada: A Comparative Exploration of Policy Transfer
Gstrein, V. (Author), Gray, A. (Supervisor), O'Connor, K. (Supervisor), Marnoch, G. (Supervisor) & Shorter, G. W. (Supervisor), May 2019Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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The future of adult social care in Northern Ireland: Moving towards a person-centred approach?
Chapman, A. (Author), Gray, A. (Supervisor), Hamilton, J. (Supervisor) & Robinson, G. (Supervisor), Oct 2018Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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The future was better in the present: an exploration of non-linear memory practice
Lenox, L. (Author), Braniff, M. (Supervisor) & Hamber, B. (Supervisor), Feb 2024Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
The governance of megaproject developments: lessons from the comparison of two contested infrastructure projects
Burballa Noria, A. (Author), O'Connor, K. (Supervisor) & Lasslett, K. (Supervisor), Oct 2018Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Theorising the Practical Wisdom of Grassroots and Civil Society Peacebuilding in Northern Ireland (1965 to 2015)
Stanton, E. (Author), Morrow, D. (Supervisor), Hamber, B. (Supervisor) & Kelly, G. (Supervisor), May 2018Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Theorising Youth Sector Peacebuilding: Youth Workers’ Orientations Within the Politics of Peacebuilding
Hamilton, A. (Author), Lasslett, K. (Supervisor), Hammond, M. (Supervisor) & Mc Ardle, E. (Supervisor), Feb 2022Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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The police process : accountability and external civilian oversight of policing reform in Northern Ireland
Kearney, C. (Author), Byrne, J. (Supervisor), Hamber, B. (Supervisor) & Gormley-Heenan, C. (Supervisor), May 2018Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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The politics of Europeanisation patterns of work and family life reconciliation policy: Germany and Turkey
Kazanoglu, N. (Author), Ketola, M. (Supervisor) & Gray, A. (Supervisor), Oct 2018Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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The Process of Land Grabbing: The Voice of Marginalised Communities in Bangladesh
Khan, A. (Author), Lasslett, K. (Supervisor), Mac Giollabhui, S. (Supervisor) & Osmani, S. (Supervisor), Sept 2020Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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The Uses of the Historical Method in Conflicted Societies: Understanding Historical Clarification Commissions
Palli-Aspero, C. (Author), Grant, A. (Supervisor), Braniff, M. (Supervisor) & Hamber, B. (Supervisor), Feb 2020Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Translating sustainable development goals to address poor reproductive health: exploring the role of civil society organisations
Sirabella, L. (Author), Bloomer, F. (Supervisor), Hamilton, J. (Supervisor) & Pierson, C. (Supervisor), Jun 2023Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
‘He might be a scumbag, but he’s my scumbag’ : The Experiences and Needs of Parents in Northern Ireland when their Children come into contact with the Justice System
McGinnis, E. (Author), Convery, U. (Supervisor) & Moore, L. (Supervisor), Feb 2021Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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‘Political prisoner resistance and the blanket protest’: a case study on political imprisonment, power relations and performative masculinity in Northern Ireland
Byrne, C. (Author), Payne, B. (Supervisor) & Moore, L. (Supervisor), Mar 2022Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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“Do your whack”: Investigating the needs and experiences of young men imprisoned in Northern Ireland through the lens of critical masculinities studies
Murray, C. (Author), Ashe et al, F. (Supervisor) & Moore, L. (Supervisor), Mar 2019Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis