Happy and Fearful Facial Expressions and the DAARRE model



Data in SPSS (.sav) format: https://osf.io/3fm82
Data in R dataset (.rds) format: https://osf.io/5m4tb

Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure.
Label 1 : happy faces (pictures)
Label 2 : fearful faces (pictures)
Target 1 : happy words (written)
Target 2 : fearful words (written)
Response option 1 : True
Response option 2 : False
Response option positions: randomly switch.
Practice block-level performance criteria: accuracy above 80% and median latency below 2000ms.
Number of practice block pairs allowed: 6 (restarting allowed, which 3 participants did, but those were removed from analyses based on block order).

Dependent variable : repeated-measures within subjects: DIRAP scores for trial-types 1, 2, 3, and 4.
Independent variables :
A) Random effects factor (attribute variable): participants maintaining practice performance criteria at the trial-type level across test blocks (code to identify at https://rd.psc.br/irap_v01.html).
B) Fixed effects factor (manipulated): block order: started with the consistent or the inconsistent block.
Date made available2023
Date of data productionNov 2021 - Jan 2023

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