The fourth ‘R’ – the role of religion in the segregation of schools…

Press/Media: Expert Comment


Would it not be wonderful if the Catholic, Presbyterian, Anglican and Methodist churches were to bring their collective wisdom to bear, to learn from their past shortcomings and to look towards ways in which they could act collectively to “deepen understanding” among future generations? Sadly, recent evidence would suggest that they are instead actively protecting factional, denominational interests and, in so doing, preserving the barriers in education that help maintain separation between “divided and wounded communities”

Period16 Nov 2021

Media contributions


Media contributions

  • TitleThe fourth ‘R’ – the role of religion in the segregation of schools…
    Degree of recognitionInternational
    Media name/outletSlugger O'Toole
    Media typeWeb
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
    DescriptionWould it not be wonderful if the Catholic, Presbyterian, Anglican and Methodist churches were to bring their collective wisdom to bear, to learn from their past shortcomings and to look towards ways in which they could act collectively to “deepen understanding” among future generations? Sadly, recent evidence would suggest that they are instead actively protecting factional, denominational interests and, in so doing, preserving the barriers in education that help maintain separation between “divided and wounded communities”
    PersonsMatt Milliken


  • Education
  • Church influence
  • Segregation