The Coalition of Aid and Development Agencies in Northern Ireland (CADA) One World Festival: Climate injustice: transforming many small actions into a collective response

Press/Media: Public Engagement Activities


One World Festival, a global development, arts and culture festival, is set to go virtual this autumn, with a series of virtual talks/ lectures, music, film, drama, debate and storytelling. The week long festival, which highlights issues affecting marginalised communities from across the globe, is running from 12 - 18 October. It includes a number of world UN days, highlighting issues such as climate change, modern slavery, gender equality, hunger and poverty. 

The festival has been organised by the Coalition of Aid and Development Agencies (CADA NI) – made up of 19 overseas humanitarian charities in Northern Ireland – to explore global issues and inspire action locally towards a just, peaceful and sustainable world. This years keynote address, in partnership with Ulster University, is on  Climate Injustice: Transforming many small actions into a collective response .

Tara Shine is an expert in the field of climate change and climate justice with a passion for communicating her science and her positive vision for the future. Her passion for and knowledge of climate change, the environment and development issues has taken her across the seven continents of the world in many different capacities. Join us as Tara highlights and addresses difficult truths about our impact on the planet and on each other, followed by a Q&A at 7.45pm, and ‘Stories from the Real World’, highlighting local and global perspectives on climate injustice, by Professor Paul Dunlop, Dr Sara McDowell, Dr Colin Breen and Dr Sara Benetti from Ulster University. 



Climate change and climate injustice

Period13 Oct 2020

Media contributions


Media contributions

  • TitleOne World Festival: Climate injustice: transforming many small actions into a collective response
    Degree of recognitionNational
    Media typeWeb
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
    DescriptionTara Shine is an expert in the field of climate change and climate justice with a passion for communicating her science and her positive vision for the future. Her passion for and knowledge of climate change, the environment and development issues has taken her across the seven continents of the world in many different capacities. Join us as Tara highlights and addresses difficult truths about our impact on the planet and on each other, followed by a Q&A at 7.45pm, and ‘Stories from the Real World’, highlighting local and global perspectives on climate injustice, by Professor Paul Dunlop, Dr Sara McDowell, Dr Colin Breen and Dr Sara Benetti from Ulster University.
    Producer/AuthorThe Coalition of Aid and Development Agencies in Northern Ireland (CADA)
    PersonsPaul Dunlop, Sara Mc Dowell, Colin Breen, Sara Benetti


TitleThe Coalition of Aid and Development Agencies in Northern Ireland (CADA) - One World Festival
LocationOnline, United Kingdom
Period13 Oct 2020 → 13 Oct 2020


  • Climate Change
  • climate justice