Media contributions
1Media contributions
Title Survey launched in NI for renewable energy generation on dairy farms Degree of recognition National Media type Web Country/Territory United Kingdom Date 9/01/25 Description Ulster University and AgriSearch have launched a survey investigating renewable energy generation and consumption on dairy farms.
The survey is being used as part of the AgriSearch funded PhD project at Ulster University which aims to model and optimise on-farm renewable energy generation using artificial intelligence.
The survey asks a number of straight forward multiple-choice questions relating to on farm electricity usage, including wind, solar, biogas and hydo options.
The survey also provides the opportunity for dairy farmers to express an interest in participating in the project. Those farms selected for the study will have energy meters installed to record energy consumption and generation.
The proposed project, which is being undertaken by PhD student Enda Crossan ultimately aims to improve sustainability and profitability for the dairy sector in Northern Ireland.Producer/Author Louise Hickey (Agriland) URL Persons Enda Crossan, Jim Harkin, Neil Hewitt, Malachy Mc Elholm