Rare Stories - Voices of the 1 in 17 NIRDP Introducing Dr Stepphanie Duguez

Press/Media: Public Engagement Activities

Period20 Sept 2023

Media contributions


Media contributions

  • TitleRare Stories - Voices of 1 in 17 NIRDP Introducing Dr Stephanie Duguez
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
    DescriptionRare Stories - Voices of the 1 in 17 NIRDP Introducing Dr Stephanie Duguez a Senior Lecturer in Personalized Medicine at Ulster University where she leads the research group in neuromuscular health. Dr Duguez's film discusses the importance of patient engagement, Rare Disease research, its challenges, and much much more. ' #rareaware #1in17 #rarediseases
    PersonsStephanie Marie Duguez