Innovations in prosthetic technology

  • Swati Jindal

Press/Media: Other


Facial prosthetics are often required by patients who've been involved in road accidents, those who have congenital malformations or may be suffering from cancer. Traditional methods of prosthesis are time consuming and can be invasive for patients. Now researchers from King's are working on developing a new and more reliable method, using a 3D printer, to replicate the prosthesis much more quickly. King's experts are also working on tissue engineering, which has the potential to restore or repair damaged body parts but with natural tissue, using the body's ability to regenerate itself.




Period28 Nov 2017

Media contributions


Media contributions

  • TitleInnovations in prosthetic technology
    Media name/outletYoutube channel
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
    DescriptionFacial prosthetics are often required by patients who've been involved in road accidents, those who have congenital malformations or may be suffering from cancer.

    Traditional methods of prosthesis are time consuming and can be invasive for patients. Now researchers from King's are working on developing a new and more reliable method, using a 3D printer, to replicate the prosthesis much more quickly.

    King's experts are also working on tissue engineering, which has the potential to restore or repair damaged body parts but with natural tissue, using the body's ability to regenerate itself.
    PersonsSwati Jindal


  • 3D printing, silicone, medical, maxillofacial, prosthetics