This seminar brings together local and global voices to consider themes of the role of young people in peace-building. Here we discuss what are the challenges and hurdles for peace and security in Ireland and/or Northern Ireland and the cross-cutting themes of young people’s lives between peace and “bread and butter” issues? What and how are young people addressing these - ie the positive contributions of youth? What and how have young people's rights been denied?This seminar has two parts: Part One is a private session for local and global young leaders to discuss the issues. This is facilitated by Eliz McArdle. Part Two is a public seminar for the global speakers to present their perspectives on their own context and the views from the private session. This is facilitated by Professor Brandon Hamber.
Period | 29 Mar 2022 |
Event type | Seminar |
Degree of Recognition | International |
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Research output
Youth, Peace and Security: Fostering local and global exchange
Research output: Other contribution