Unimagined Futures? Pluralism, Inclusion and Planning for a Border Poll.

Activity: Participating in or organising an eventOrganising a conference, workshop, ...


Dr Fidelma Ashe, Eilish Rooney and Prof Rory O'Connell organised and spoke at this seminar 'Unimagined Futures? Pluralism, Inclusion and Planning for a Border Poll' as part of the Imagine Festival of Ideas and Politics 2021. The seminar reflected on the lessons from an earlier TJI workshop 'Deliberating Constitutional Futures'. Fidelma introduced the Imagine Festival seminar and gave an overview of the Deliberating Constitutional Futures workshop. Rory then discussed the role of law (and its limits) in supporting pluralism and inclusion in a Border Poll. Fidelma continued with reflections on the dynamics of inclusion, and especially the inclusion of women and groups typically excluded. She highlighted the importance of the wider deliberative space. For the final part of the seminar, Fidelma and Eilish had a conversation exploring some of the themes in Eilish's work on Constitutional Cards, including observations on the role of academics in making their research accessible to all members of society. The seminar was hosted online and had approximately 25 participants.
Period24 Mar 2021
Event typeSeminar