SNAIP-DC Research Challenge Fund Project

Activity: Other


Ulster, Oxford Brookes and Bournemouth Universities focused on Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the ‘Destination Experience’. Ulster University played host to the SNAIP-DC Project - a Research Challenge Fund project focused on Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the ‘Destination Experience’ context.

The collaboration draws together strands of work carried on by academics from a number of different Universities and boasts a Co Principal Investigator team (Dr John Bustard and Dr Karise Hutchinson of Ulster University). The tourism and events contexts offer fertile ground through which to examine perceptions and experience around the ethical use of technology in enabling and engaging fans in experience co-creation.

The team includes (From Ulster) Dr. Karise Hutchinson (co-PI), John Bustard (co-PI), Dr. Peter Bolan, Dr. Adrian Devine, (From Oxford Brookes) Dr. Nicole Ferdinand, (From Portsmouth) Dr. Nigel Williams and from International NW200 Fergus MacKay and Nikolaos Maniatis of IAMCatobot.
Period1 Mar 201731 Mar 2019
Degree of RecognitionInternational


  • Artificial Intelligence
  • AI
  • Events
  • Tourism
  • Smart Events
  • Co-creation
  • Ethics