Scott Bollens

Activity: Hosting a visitorHosting an academic visitor


Scott A. Bollens is Professor of Urban Planning and Public Policy (+) Warmington Chair in Peace and International Cooperation at UC - Irvine. His research specializations are: politically divided cities, nationalistic/ethnic conflict and urbanism, urban and intergovernmental growth policy. Over the past 25 years, Bollens has interviewed over 360 urban professionals and community advocates in Jerusalem, Belfast, Johannesburg, Nicosia (Cyprus), Sarajevo and Mostar (Bosnia), Barcelona and Basque cities (Spain), and Beirut about the role of urban policy and city building amidst nationalistic ethnic conflict and political transitions. His most recent book is Trajectories of Conflict and Peace: Jerusalem and Belfast Since 1994 (2018, Routledge Press). Recent books include City and Soul in Divided Societies (2012, Routledge Press), Cities, Nationalism, and Democratization (2007, Routledge), On Narrow Ground (2000, State University of New York Press) and Urban Peace-Building in Divided Societies (1999, Westview Press).
Period17 May 2016
Visiting fromUniversity of California - Irvine (United States)
Degree of RecognitionInternational