LIFE Raft: towards island restoration on Rathlin via feral ferret eradication

Activity: Talk or presentationOral presentation


In 2020, the LIFE Raft project was established with the goal of eradicating feral ferrets (Mustela furo) and brown rats (Rattus rattus) from Northern Ireland’s only populated off shore island, Rathlin. Located 4km off the Antrim coast, the island was recognized as a priority for island restoration due to its internationally important bird populations and the perceived feasibility of success. A relatively recent introduction to the island to control the island’s rabbit population, the expansion of the feral ferret population on Rathlin coincided with the decline of some of the islands ground nesting bird populations e.g. Puffins, Lapwings, Curlew. Although eradication of rodents from islands is well established, this project represents the first attempt globally to eradicate feral ferrets from an offshore island. This presentation will set out how this collaborative project between the island’s community, the Rathlin Development Community Association, the RSPB and the Causeway Coast and Glen’s Heritage Trust set out to achieve success using innovative technology solutions e.g. LoRaWAN and good old hard work.
Period5 Oct 2024