Legal Hackers | Privacy & Contact Tracing Apps | COVID-19 (coronavirus) Panel Series #1

  • Mark Potkewitz (Speaker)

Activity: Talk or presentationInvited talk


Contract tracing, along with Contact Tracing Apps have been identified as a key component of the potential route out of the current UK lockdown.

Whilst the government has moved forward developing its own NHS App, some parties have advocated for a more decentralised solution upon which third parties could build applications (such as the system being developed jointly by Apple and Google, or the European open-source DP3T project).

In this panel discussion we explore the pros and cons of the current solutions being mooted, consider the privacy concerns relating to such applications, and what the implications could be for society in both the short and medium term.
Period2 Jun 2020
Held atSheffield Legal Hackers, United Kingdom


  • COVID-19
  • Privacy
  • contact tracing