Iterations (Journal)

Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workEditorial work


Member of Editorial board; Peer review of articles

ITERATIONS journal was founded in Irish Year of Design 2015
8 issues at time of writing 2015-2019 . The 9th issue was delayed by COVID
Iterations began as a hard copy journal with a digital copy.
Iterations a provides a platform for designers and design researchers in Ireland and internationally to document, reflect and present their Practices, Theories, Processes and Artefacts.
Design outcomes vary between different projects and disciplines. However the process of creative exploration and experimentation is universal. ITERATIONS publishes a blend of peer reviewed research papers, reflections on design practice, case studies, visual essays, discussions and opinion pieces, invited editorials, interviews and reviews.

Iterations invites four types of contributions:

1. Research articles for peer review (6-8 pages: 6 page article requires 3000-3300 words, 8 page article requires 4000-4500)

2. Reflections on practice focused on design projects or process (Use full paper and commentary articles as a guide to wordcount)

3. Single page A4 Portrait – Practice, creative work, infographics, visual essay ,illustration, etc.

4. Commentary, Opinion, Position articles (up to 1500 words)

5. Interviews (up to 1500 words)

ITERATIONS The 9th issue was delayed by COVID in spring summer 2019. ‘Design Research and Practice Review is currently seeking submissions for Issue 9. For this special issue 9 of Iterations, we are seeking articles, case studies, reflective practice and opinion pieces on the topic of Design and Education

We ask; in this emerging world, what are the ways in which Design and Design research can catalyse progressive change in Education?’
Period30 Nov 0001 → …
Type of journalJournal