Bbeyond (External organisation)

Activity: MembershipMembership of board


Bbeyond is committed to promoting the practice of performance art and artists in Northern Ireland and further afield. Our aim is to raise people’s consciousness of live/performance art as being integral to the world in and around us, inspiring reflection and enriching lived experience.

We host artists of international reputation throughout the performance art world and encourage newer artists to experience performance art practices for themselves. Bbeyond encourages greater access to and appreciation of this visually based art form, through facilitating modes of active private/public participation, allowing people from all sectors of society, not just the traditional arts, to experience and enjoy performance art directly.

This hypothesis for Bbeyond has a two-fold nature, one the ‘actual’, the other liminal, one based on the physical/literal journey, the other on a more elusive journeying through the process of being and becoming.

The literal, overtly physical aspect deals with the location of Belfast and hosts international artists here to present work alongside local artists, thereby increasing the knowledge and consciousness of performance art here and increasing opportunities for local artists to travel abroad.

The liminal nature deals with transition, transformation and transcendence. This is the more subtle aspect and the power of the work rests in that it can only be realised in the process of actual being and doing. “Bbeyond” has the potential to become a directional force towards a lived philosophy of being, that continues long after the framing of any specific performance has ended, becoming the real transitioning and transforming energy in the life consciousness of the practitioner, to literally ‘be beyond’.
PeriodDec 2016 → …
Held atBbeyond
Degree of RecognitionInternational