Author meets critics: Growing Up and Out of Crime

  • Elias Nader (Speaker)
  • Coyle, B. (Contributor)
  • Jayne Price (Contributor)

Activity: Talk or presentationInvited talk


This session will be an author meets critic for Growing Up and Out of Crime by Elias Nader. Critics will include Dr. Brendan Coyle, Prof. Shadd Maruna, and Dr Jayne Price. The session will include a brief summary of the book by Dr. Nader and then critique from Dr. Coyle, Prof. Maruna and Dr Price. The author will then respond to the critiques and audience questions.

The book, Growing Up and Out of Crime (published by Routledge in 2024), examines how developmental norms and expectations for young people aged 18–25 have diverged from previous generations, which have created a new stage in the life course called Emerging Adulthood. Theory surrounding this stage of emerging adulthood emphasizes a delay in achieving turning points into adulthood that are typical of this age group. These delays, in turn, affect how maturation can influence the desistance from crime.

Utilizing evidence from the narratives of justice-involved emerging adults, the book details key turning points for today’s young person trying to desist from crime. Building on evidence from researchers and theorists as well as from the author’s own narrative interviews, the book provides a brief and approachable review of the extant literature, summarizing work across the fields of developmental psychology, sociology, and criminology to provide the reader with an understanding of the maturation of young people in their late teens and 20s before concluding with considerations for policy and practice building from this evidence.
Period19 Jun 2024
Event title15th Irish North/South Criminology Conference
Event typeConference
LocationBelfast, United KingdomShow on map
Degree of RecognitionInternational